Dear visitors, we inform you that we accept orders only within Greece and Europe. European countries that are not EEC members have to expect an extra custom fee receiving the order. Thank you for your understanding.
Return policy

Returns of defective products

In order for the consumer to be able to make use of European Union rules on product warranties that are considered defective, he should be aware of the following:

1. If during the delivery the packaging of the product shows signs of wear (eg torn packaging, breaks, scratches, etc.) the customer should immediately indicate them to the employee of the transport company in order for the complaint to be recorded by the transport company with all the necessary information.

2. Within three (3) calendar days from the date of delivery to inform the customer to the company.

3. Within ten (10) calendar days from the date of delivery to send the defective products to the company

4. The return of the product should be done together with all the documents that accompanied it (eg Retail Rep., Purchase Notice, etc.) and its complete packaging with all the forms of the product.

5. The shipment must be made in the same way as the receipt (with the same shipping) otherwise the costs will be borne by the customer who will be responsible for the shipment. Upon return, the defect is checked by the owner and then the customer is contacted to be informed about the results of the inspection. If the defect is found, the product is replaced and the new shipment is made at the expense of the company. In case the product is not available again in a reasonable time and can not be found by the company, the customer has the opportunity to request another product or request cancellation of the transaction. If the customer requests cancellation of the transaction, the refund of all money (goods and any shipping costs) is made exclusively through a bank. Refunds are not accepted after the end of 15 calendar days from the date of receipt of the products by the customer.

Returns on healthy products

The company through its website gives you the opportunity to return the product or products you have purchased, within 14 calendar days from the day of receipt and to return the amount you have paid along with any costs shipment. According to article 3e of Law 2251/1994 on Consumer Protection, the consumer can withdraw from his purchase within 14 calendar days from the date of receipt of the product. In this case the amount paid by the customer for the purchase and any shipping costs will be refunded via bank no later than 14 days from the day the company is informed at or receives a written letter from the customer and with provided that the following applies:

1. To have kept the product packaging and the product itself in its original condition.

2. Not to have used the product and generally not to have performed actions that may cause deterioration of the product. It is also not allowed to remove the product label.

3. It has not been used and there are no signs of misuse.

4. No parts or accessories have been removed in case of such.

5. To return with the product the document sent to him by the company (receipt or invoice)

6. The shipment must be made in the same way as the receipt (eg the same shipping). In case of repeated returns by the same customer, the company reserves the right to refuse to accept the return of products due to abuse of the right of withdrawal or replacement of our products even if the above terms and conditions are met (art. 288 of the Civil Code). the above legal procedure or if the legal conditions are not met to accept the return of the product, then it will be returned to the consumer, who will be charged with the additional packaging and shipping costs.


There is no retreat of the candles which are the result of a special order of the customer and this also counts for handmade paintings etc.